How to fix dandruff and nourish your scalp.

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Dandruff is a problem that bothers many people because in addition to making you look bad, unattractive, and losing self-confidence, it also causes an itchy scalp. And if dandruff is left untreat until it becomes chronic, it can lead to bigger problems, such as hair loss, scalp inflammation, and scalp fungus. 

Dandruff is a skin condition that affects the scalp and hair, causing gray or white flakes to appear. These flakes are actually old scalp cells shed at a faster rate than normal, and a healthy scalp sheds dead cells about once a month and replaces them with new cells at a rapid pace. When this process speeds up, your scalp produces more dead cells, which leads to dandruff.

Therefore, the solution to dandruff can be done by bringing the oil on the scalp back into balance. UFABET would like to recommend easy ways to get rid of dandruff that can be done by simply adjusting your behavior to help you say goodbye to the dandruff problem.

  • Always keep your hair clean.  Don’t let your hair get dirty for too long because dirt is a good breeding ground for germs.
  • Always keep your comb and hair tools clean. Many people often overlook the importance of this point, but cleaning combs and tools relat to hair and scalp regularly can help reduce the accumulation of fungus that remains on those tools that will be use on the hair and scalp later.
  • Blow dry your hair  before going to bed. Sleeping with wet hair can cause dandruff.
  • Use shampoo that helps treat dandruff problems.  There are many brands available today and can be purchas at leading drug stores.
  • Do not use hot water to wash your hair. Because dandruff is cause by a lack of moisture, a treatment method that can prevent the scalp from being too dry is to avoid washing your hair with hot water. Even though showering and washing your hair with warm water may feel more comfortable than washing your hair with normal temperature water or cold water, washing your hair with warm water will cause the scalp to lose moisture because warm water will wash away too much oil from the hair, and that will cause dandruff.
  • Use kaffir lime to wash your  hair. Cut it in half and apply the juice all over your head. Leave it for about 5-10 minutes. Then rinse it off with clean water. It makes your hair soft and shiny and helps eliminate dandruff.
  • Choose to eat nutritious foods. A natural way to get rid of dandruff that many people may not think of is eating healthy foods. Some foods contain important substances that are beneficial to the skin and hair. When the skin and hair are strong, dandruff will be reduce. 
  • Apply olive oil  to your hair and massage it all over your scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes or 1 hour, then rinse it off with clean water. You will get moisture, healthy hair, and shine more beautifully.

Dandruff is just the shedding of scalp skin cells, which is normal and can happen to anyone. However, even though dandruff is not a dangerous disease. It can create a bad image and cause a loss of confidence. Moreover, if left untreated until it becomes chronic, it can lead to other diseases as well.