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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Learn&Know mental health problems of the elderly

Learn&Know mental health problems of the elderly. Hello all readers Has everyone ever wondered. Why some of our elder relatives like to have neglected us? Or perhaps there are ups and downs. Some people like to have fun with their grandchildren. Some people like to keep quiet. and some people

Miracle happen when we wake up in the morning

Miracle happen when we wake up in the morning. Many people may feel lazy. Or reluctant if you have to wake up early We too have been like that. But we want to try to change ourselves. as we have many things we want to do so try waking up early and

5 ways to relieve stress, low budget version

5 ways to relieve stress, low budget version It is believe that many people have cumulative stress. Whether working, studying, or others. As if the holidays did not exist. until the accumulated stress And fatigue, both physically and mentally, wanting to relieve stress, wanting to work hard, having